Wheat with Reduced Gliadins

Tech ID: 10.512, 12.535, 16.604 & 19.652

Key Features

  • RNAi of wheat gliadins produces wheat with drastically reduced gliadin fraction
  • Gene-edited wheat lines have been developed, achieving up to 97.7% reduction in gluten content
  • Potential nutritional benefits for gluten intolerant consumers and Coeliac Disease sufferers


RNAi and gene editing of wheat gliadins produces wheat with drastically reduced gliadin fraction with potential nutritional benefits for Gluten Intolerant consumers and Coeliac Disease sufferers. Francisco Barro and co-workers at the CSIC Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (Cordoba, Spain) have used a multi-target RNAi approach to successfully down-regulate the entire gliadin fraction in transgenic wheat and a gene editing approach to generate wheat lines which are available to breed and develop novel bread and durum wheat suitable for potential consumption by sufferers of a range of gluten pathologies and those seeking to avoid gluten in the diet.

For further detailed information please download the non-confidential summary pdf.


10.512 - Reduced Gliadin Wheat:
Granted: US 8,859,850; EP 2395089; CA 2,750,997

12.535 - High lysine, Reduced Gliadin Wheat:
Granted: US 9,976,156; EP 3011036

16.604 - Genome Editing to Reduce Gliadins in Wheat:
Published: WO/2018/224508; EP 3634983
Granted: US 11,879,128

19.652 - Reduced Gliadin Wheat Event T258
Published: WO/2022/238443


Gil-Humanes J, Pistón F, Tollefsen S, Sollid LM, Barro F (2010). Effective shutdown in the expression of coeliac disease-related wheat gliadin T-cel epitopes by RNA interference. PNAS; 107(39): 17023-17028. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1007773107

Gil-Humanes J, Pistón F, Altamirano-Fortoul R, Real A, Comino I, Sousa C, Rosell CM, Barro F (2014). Reduced-gliadin wheat bread: an alternative to the gluten-free diet for consumers suffering gluten-related pathologies. PLoS One; 9(3). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0090898

Barro F, Iehisa JCM, Giménez MJ, García-Molina MD, Ozuna CV, Comino I, Sousa C et al (2016). Targeting of prolamins by RNAi in bread wheat: effectiveness of seven silencing-fragment combinations for obtaining lines devoid of coeliac disease epitopes from highly immunogenic gliadins. Plant Biotechnol J; 14: 986-996. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.12455

Sánchez-León S et al (2018). Low-gluten, nontransgenic wheat engineered with CRISPR/Cas9. Plant Biotechnol J; 16(4): 902-910. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.12837

Haro C et al (2018). The dietary intervention of transgenic low-gliadin wheat bread in patients with non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) showed no differences with gluten free diet (GFD) but provides better gut microbiota profile. Nutrients; 10(12): 1964. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10121964

María H Guzmán-López et al (2021). A Bioinformatic Workflow for InDel Analysis in the Wheat Multi-Copy α-Gliadin Gene Family Engineered with CRISPR/Cas9. Int J Mol Sci; 22(23):13076. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222313076

Sanchez Fernandez B et al (2023). Socioeconomic impact of low-gluten coeliac-safe wheat developed by gene editing. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC131711

Miriam Marín-Sanz et al (2023). Unraveling the coeliac disease-related immunogenic complexes in a set of wheat and tritordeum genotypes: implications for low-gluten precision breeding in cereal crops. Front Plant Sci; 14: 1171882. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1171882

Sánchez-León S, Marín-Sanz M, Guzmán-López MH, Gavilán-Camacho M, Simón E, Barro F (2024). CRISPR/Cas9-mediated multiplex gene editing of gamma and omega gliadins, paving the way for gliadin-free wheat. Journal of Experimental Botanyhttps://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erae376

Contact: Dr Georgina Pope

Franciso Barro and co-workers
CSIC Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (Cordoba, Spain)